Parenting Plans

Creating paths to successful co-parenting

Parenting Plans

Creating paths to successful co-parenting

When parents separate, it’s essential to make sure that the arrangements for your children are child focussed and are documented to avoid any future conflict.

One way you can do that is to have a tailored and comprehensive parenting plan.

A search on the internet will provide you with numerous templates – some even free of charge. But signing up for a standard parenting plan is like having no parenting plan at all. Just as every family is unique, so are your circumstances which need to be tailored to make sure your arrangements work for you and your kids.

What should a Parenting Plan Cover?

A parenting plan should cover issues that are important to each parent. The greater the conflict, the greater the detail. Your parenting plan should, as a minimum, contain provisions that cover:

  • Where the children will live.
  • How much time they spend with each parent during school term and holidays.
  • Arrangements for special occasions.
  • Changeover arrangements.
  • How you make decisions about major long-term issues e.g. school.
  • How you communicate with your ex-partner
  • How information is shared between you.
  • Arrangements for domestic and international travel.
  • Arrangements for medical emergencies.
  • Arrangements for dispute resolution.

What are the benefits of a Parenting Plan?

A well-drafted parenting plan provides:

  • A reference tool that prevents future conflict.
  • Steers you into a solid and cooperative relationship with your ex-partner.
  • Reduces uncertainly, increases stability for you and your kids.
  • Underpins your children’s developmental and emotional needs with each of you.
  • Demonstrates a commitment towards the best interests of your children.
  • Flexibility enables your parenting plan to be easily updated as your family circumstances change.

Our Service

By using our parenting plan documentation service:

  • We review your existing proposals and ideas.
  • We identify what outcomes you seek and the unique circumstances your parenting plan should provide.
  • We reduce the confusion and increase the certainty about your position – legally and practically.
  • We give you best practice suggestions to ensure the longevity of your parenting plan.
  • Outside of consultation, we will draft a complete, customised parenting plan ready for signing.

Arora Legal offers a range of fixed-fee legal and mediation services.  To find out how we can help you, BOOK your free 15-minute consult today or call 07 3180 0129 and speak to our specialist lawyer.  By contacting us today, you can take the first step towards resolving your family law issue and moving on to a brighter future.

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