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Should I Choose A Binding Financial Agreement Or A Consent Order?

Should I Choose A Binding Financial Agreement Or A Consent Order? When finalising property settlements in Australia after a marriage or de-facto relationship ends, the decision to document the agreement is critical. Two primary legal instruments—Binding Financial Agreements (BFA) and Consent Orders—provide distinct paths to settle property and financial [...]

Choosing A Family Mediator in 2023? Then Ask These 6 Questions

Choosing A Family Mediator in 2023? Then Ask These 6 Questions Choosing a Family Mediator can be very difficult, especially when there are so many to choose from! If you're considering family mediation as a way to resolve conflicts, it's essential to choose the right mediator. Asking the right questions [...]

Choosing A Family Lawyer In 2023? Ask These 6 Questions

Choosing A Family Lawyer In 2023? Ask These 6 Questions Choosing a family lawyer, the right one, can either make or break your case. The approach taken by your lawyer can either preserve or destroy relationships and can also determine how quickly and how much you ultimately end up spending. [...]

5 Top Reasons Why You Need A Consent Order Or Binding Financial Agreement

5 Top Reasons Why You Need A Consent Order Or Binding Financial Agreement You’ve finally reached an agreement with your ex-partner about your parenting and property arrangements. It’s taken months, a lot of hard work and some tough negotiation but you’ve got there –all without the lawyers and not [...]

8 Steps You MUST Take When You Separate

8 Steps You MUST Take When You Separate The month of January sees more couples seeking legal advice than any other point during the year – and after the stress of Christmas, it's hardly surprising. Eating and drinking too much; spending time cooped up in the house together; putting [...]

What is the duty of disclosure?

What is the duty of disclosure? When you separate, one of the major concerns you are likely to have is how to reach a property settlement with your former partner. One of the first steps in this process is your duty to provide “full and frank disclosure” of your assets [...]